The Difference Between Travelling and Traveling Plural


Despite the similarity in spelling, there are some important differences between “travelling” and “traveling”. These differences are explained in this article. Learn about the word’s origin, meaning, and common mistakes. After reading this article, you will be able to spell “travelling” correctly in any context. In addition to these differences, the two words have entirely different pronunciations, and you should avoid these when possible. Read on to discover the key differences between the two words.

Spelling differences between “traveling” and “travelling”

The difference between the word travelling and the plural form traveling isn’t just a matter of dialect. While both are correct in many contexts, they differ in the way they are spelled. The British use the two-L spelling, while Americans tend to keep the shorter form. In this article, we’ll examine the differences between the two forms and explain why you should use one of them when writing the same thing.

Origin of the word

The word travelling has a complex history. Origins of the word are obscure, but one theory suggests that it derives from the Old French word travail, which means toil or pain. While travel is a verb, it is a noun as well. Origins of travelling can be traced back to the Middle Ages, when traveling was hard and dangerous. In medieval times, the word travelling was associated with torment, and is derived from the Latin trepalium, which was used to describe a torture device composed of three stakes.

Meaning of the word

The word travel has two syllables: it’s a verb and a noun, and has different meanings depending on the context. The first syllable is emphasized in the word “repel”, while the second syllable emphasizes the word’s second meaning: to travel. Both spellings are equally correct, but they have different meanings. To travel is to leave one’s home.

Common spelling mistakes

Spelling is an important skill to have. Luckily, there are many ways to improve your spelling. While it is impossible to avoid making these mistakes completely, you can learn to recognize and correct them when they happen. A common mistake is using the wrong form of the word. For example, “whose” should be spelled “whose,” not “whosese.” The same can be true for other words such as ‘that’s a bad idea’, ‘who’s the right word’ and so on.

Shorter version of the word

The shorter version of the word travelling is often used in the US. It is the preferred spelling in Britain. However, many countries outside the US follow the rules of the British English language. This can cause confusion for travellers and can result in missed calls. As such, it is best to stick to the preferred spelling for the purpose you are writing. Here’s why. Read on to learn more about the difference between the two versions of the word.